I know I've been lax in updating this blog. To those few of you with the wisdom and taste to actually read the crap I write, I apologize. I guess I just needed the proper inspiration to snap myself out of the ennui that led to a case of recreational writer's block. And that inspiration has arrived in the form of Easter.
I hate Easter. I hate all religious holidays. Well, I hate most holidays, but Easter especially. Oh, and if you haven't guessed by now, I'm not a Christian. I'm not anything in that realm. I don't really care if you're religious or not, but keep it to yourself. I only become hostile toward religion when someone tries to convert me, or I hear about indigenous peoples being converted, or I hear someone make a stupid decision and say the outcome is "God's will," etc. Seriously, keep it to yourself.
Today is one of those days that other people's religious beliefs affect my life. Today, I was unable to meet friends at the restaurant of our choice. I was unable to buy some much needed supplies from Target. I was unable to go to the gym. Why? Because people feel the need to celebrate an event that never happened. And let's just say for the sake of argument that Jesus really did rise from the dead and ascend into Heaven. Why would Christian's celebrate that? I mean, he basically left his followers stuck on a shit planet with the vague promise to return someday. A promise that he has failed to keep. Because it's impossible.
Now, I know that my complaints are extremely minor. But it just serves as a reminder that a true secularist still has religious ideology thrust upon him/her, especially here in the Bible Belt. I guess it also hits close to home because I remember the blue laws in Texas. For those of you that are unfamiliar, blue laws prohibited anything that was considered a nonessential item from being sold on Sundays. I remember going into the grocery store (one of the few things open on Sundays), and seeing the toy aisle roped off. What a blow to a bright-eyed and optimistic child.
Oh, and what the hell does the resurrection of Jesus have to do with a creepy rabbit with a penchant for hiding the ovum of barnyard fowls? I just don't get that part at all. But, like so many other Bible-related things, logic is obviously not a factor here.
Hey asshat, people have a right to their beliefs. Get pissy if you want, the south will still be majority Christian and Target employees will still prefer spending time with their families to ringing up your deodorant on Easter even if you don't think the resurrection happened.
How brave of you to post anonymously! Just as people have a right to their religious beliefs, I have a right to disagree with them, and be annoyed by them. These are my opinions and nothing more. No need to resort to name calling.
"Anonymous" is a coward. It hilarious how upset and defensive people get when others voice a different opinion. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean you have to convert or attack someone. I'm not religious either. Fortunately, my religious friends and I have a mutual respect for each other. They don't try to convert me and I don't belittle their beliefs...
But I would still love to buy a bottle of vodka on Sunday.
Religion aside. Try to enjoy the chocolate?
As a life long atheist with a passionate hatred of all religion, I have stopped "respecting" other beliefs. If you are so retarded that you still believe this nonsense, you forfeit respect. Stupidity does not deserve respect. Educate yourselves. talking snakes, and 900 year old people are fiction. so is everything else i the bible.
Easter is nothing more than a Pagan feast day that has no connection with the final days of the life of Christ Jesus and his Resurrection. The Rabbit or Bunny and the Egg are nothing but dieties associated with the Pagan Goddess of spring Eostre or Eastre and have no religous value in the Christian world. But why are people still fascinated of these Pagan symbols of the season and the real truth of the holiday?
Im staying anonymous cos it says who I am at bottom of comment anyway and cant be bothered to "choose an identity." dont have time. anyway -I believe that all people should have the right to celebrate / not celebrate as they wish. If a shop owner wants to close then thats his/her right to. If they want to stay open then fine, do it. And I agree that religion should not be forced on people....but I think some of you may be mistaking an open celebration of a faith as "forcing religion on others".And if you dont think the bible is real, then so what? Youre allowed to think that. But to belittle those that do believe it is plain disrespectful. For the record, Im doin a show on ONFM radio this sunday. anyone wanna come share your views on easter day, live on air, then please contact me via my web page www.rebeccaburge.co.uk Laters! (Its wonderful how fired up people get when they claim to not even "care"...hmmmmmm)
its your opinion and I respect it, ^_^ I too HATE Easter. its stupid ass fuck :) I find it pointless...
Meh. Kind of a weak hatred of Easter. You are nothing more than a little pissy because your friends choose to observe some religious holiday that you don't believe in, and are not at YOUR "beck and call". Boo hoo. Hardly a hatred. More of a peeve. I hate the Easter season. Maybe more correctly, IT seems to hate me. I always seem to find myself in a horrible depressed mood. I often get sick, as well. Allergies perhaps?? And I used to hate that no one would DO stuff though I wanted to. (when I was a kid) I just wondered if anyone feels what I do. You're just pissy. No help to me. I need to find someone who really and uniquely HATES Easter so maybe I can figure out why I do.
Anonymous is an ass...Keep to your cult religious sites My name is Laurie if this happens to come up anonymous
I think you're funny as hell. Don't care much what your name is. Your writing is clever and honest. I enjoy your blog very much. Hats off.
This is awesome. Easter is for the mentally retarded who live their lives in fear of dying do they invent some crap like this to give them hope that they'll continue on forever. As if their dumbasses didn't need to end because everyone around them is sick of their stupidity. Ge over yourself. You're not so important that the universe can't go on without you. Just the opposite. The lie of religion that you swallowed just reveals how self absorbed you really are.
Matters of religion cannot be proven scientifically. They are based on faith. Historical jewish records also prove that Jesus existed.
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